Hi! Welcome to "The Grind" forum at BruxismSupport.org - a community for sharing experiences and exchanging ideas about bruxism, most commonly understood as clenching and teeth grinding although it can be far more complicated than that.
My name is Gregory Steiger, but you can call me "GT." I first became aware I had Bruxism around 2014 or so. While I have essentially had a variety of some common and not so common symptoms ever since, I did experience a reprieve for a number of consecutive months several years ago, which led me in pursuit of trying to understand why the symptoms ceased and why they started back up again. This short stint of relief has given me hope that bruxism can be managed, if not eliminated, thereby improving the quality of our lives.
With that in mind, I hope you will join me in this important pursuit by utilizing the free services such as the questionnaires and resources at BruxismSupport.org, asking questions, sharing your experiences and successes and disappointments with others in the community in order to more effectively pursue this endeavor together.
If you have a few minutes for a relatively quick read, please consider reading my first blog post ever, which of course is about my experience with bruxism, so you can learn for yourself that you are not alone. In fact, very few people know they have Bruxism, but statically speaking the number of people afflicted is staggering.
Gregory Steiger